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Wells-Ogunquit Adult Community Education

Personal Enrichment

Instant Piano for Hopelessly Busy People -ZOOM


with Craig Coffman

Calendar Apr 21, 2025 at 6:30 pm

In just a few hours, you can learn enough secrets of the trade to give you years of musical enjoyment.  Learn to play piano the way professionals do-using chords.  Since this class is being held online with ZOOM you will be able to sit at your piano or keyboard at home and take this course with no pressure at all.  And since this course includes an online book and online follow up video lessons, you will be able to continue your practice and study on your own.  An optional periodic online question and answer session is also included.    A recording of the class is included as well.   The course is partly lecture/demonstration and partly hands on instruction. Ages 13+


Instant Guitar for Hopelessly Busy People - ZOOM


with Craig Coffman

Calendar Apr 22, 2025 at 6:30 pm

In just a few hours you can learn enough about playing the guitar to give

you years of musical enjoyment, and you won’t have to take private

lessons to do it. This crash course will teach you some basic chords and

get you playing along with your favorite songs right away. Fee includes

the online book, online follow up lessons, a recording of the class and

also an optional periodic question and answer session. Class is held

online using zoom and is partly hands on instruction and partly

lecture/demonstration. For ages 13+.


ZUMBA Session 3


with Robin Lovell

Calendar Apr 28, 2025 at 6:15 pm, runs for 6 weeks

Robin's Zumba® classes have been running strong for over 15 years through the Wells Ogunquit Adult Ed. Zumba® is dance exercise for people who don't consider themselves dancers but love to dance. The hour flies by and you will get a great workout. Robin uses fun, high energy music and the moves are basic and repeated enough times so that you really know them. Plus one of the best things about Zumba® is the emphasis on modifying the moves to make them your own.  Questions about the class? Contact Robin via her Zumba website (Robin Lovell - Instructor Page (, or Wells-Ogunquit Adult Ed.

ZUMBA Session 3 & 4


with Robin Lovell

Calendar Apr 28, 2025 at 6:15 pm, runs for 6 weeks

Robin's Zumba® classes have been running strong for over 15 years through the Wells Ogunquit Adult Ed. Zumba® is dance exercise for people who don't consider themselves dancers but love to dance. The hour flies by and you will get a great workout. Robin uses fun, high energy music and the moves are basic and repeated enough times so that you really know them. Plus one of the best things about Zumba® is the emphasis on modifying the moves to make them your own.Questions about the class? Contact Robin via her Zumba website (Robin Lovell - Instructor Page (, or Wells-Ogunquit Adult Ed.

WATERCOLOR S2 Intermediate


with Russel Whitten

Calendar Apr 29, 2025 at 6 pm, runs for 6 weeks

Learn and practice a variety of techniques and approaches  specific to watercolor painting. Whether a beginner or experienced, enjoy a relaxing and supportive environment to  paint from references, still life objects and observation. You  will receive feedback and see what others are working on.  Bring ideas for projects to class for instruction tailored to  your needs, or participate in guided exercises to gain a deeper  understanding of this medium. You may bring your own  supplies, if you prefer to purchase your own supplies, please  request a materials list at registration. 

INSTRUCTOR: Russel Whitten 

Full Course

Tai Chi Extension Movements


with Dennis Fallo

Calendar Apr 30, 2025 at 10 am, runs for 6 weeks


Dr. Paul Lam combines his medical and Tai Chi expertise to create a very therapeutic tool with this short program. It is an easy program that anyone can learn. It was designed to help folks recover from stress, tiredness, injury, surgical procedures, and stroke, while improving balance, focus, and coordination. Self-management is the most empowering way to take control of your health and wellness. This rehabilitation program is a great start!

Come, be safe, have fun, and relax!

Loose, comfortable clothing and flat-bottom shoes suitable for exercise are recommended.

You can learn this program seated or standing.

INSTRUCTOR: Dennis Fallo is a certified instructor through the Tai Chi for Health Institute founded byDr. Paul Lam, M.D.

Every Picture Tells A Story


with Jill Braceland

Calendar Apr 30, 2025 at 6 pm

Learn techniques on how to work through that box of photographs we all have. Integrating the stories behind the pictures will also be explored. Please bring some of your photographs to get started.

ZUMBA Session 4


with Robin Lovell

Calendar Apr 30, 2025 at 6:15 pm, runs for 6 weeks

Robin's Zumba® classes have been running strong for over 15 years through the Wells Ogunquit Adult Ed. Zumba® is dance exercise for people who don't consider themselves dancers but love to dance. The hour flies by and you will get a great workout. Robin uses fun, high energy music and the moves are basic and repeated enough times so that you really know them. Plus one of the best things about Zumba® is the emphasis on modifying the moves to make them your own.  Questions about the class? Contact Robin via her Zumba website (Robin Lovell - Instructor Page (, or Wells-Ogunquit Adult Ed.

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