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Exercise & Outdoor Fun
in Personal Enrichment
Stretch & Tone S1 Mondays
with Judith Stark

This course is for people experiencing tight hips and low back discomfort , as well as active people and athletes. Tight hips impact knees and low back. Contributing factors are long periods of sitting which lock hips tight. We begin with simple stretches and breathwork for deep relaxation and progress as mobility increases. No experience is necessary, Bring a mat for floorwork.
with Leslie Fiore

This intermediate class will explore the vast variety of yoga poses based in Anusara yoga. Anusara is a modern form of Hatha yoga that is heart-focused and alignment-based. Hatha yoga means the yoga of force. Please bring a mat, block, strap and blanket to class.
Instructor: Leslie Fiore
Keto - Walking Buddies
with Annette Hurman

Do you want to improve your health, increase your energy, and get into shape for the summer? Keto is a great way to start! Learn how to read foods labels, manage carbs, and find great recipes to help achieve ketosis and lose weight! 30 minute class then 30 minute walk on the indoor track. Wear comfortable dress for walking, water bottle, notebook and pen/pencil.
Gutzy Goddess
with Mary Anne Dalleo

Consists of Basic Belly Dance positions and moves, with a twist of hula moves and abdominal floor work.
This class is for beginners.
Comfy clothes are all that’s required.
BIO: A professional dance instructor with over 40 years’ experience, Mary Anne Dalleo still believes in “old school “instruction. She concentrates on how the body benefits from correct positioning while also allowing the body to do what comes “naturally. “She’s owned 4 dance studios from New York to Maine and knows what makes a student transform into a “happy” dancer.
Ballroom/Latin S1
with Sergei Slussky

Foxtrot, Waltz, East Coast Swing
Instructor: Sergei Slussky
ZUMBA Session 1
with Robin Lovell

Robin's Zumba® classes have been running strong for over 15 years through the Wells Ogunquit Adult Ed. Zumba® is dance exercise for people who don't consider themselves dancers but love to dance. The hour flies by and you will get a great workout. Robin uses fun, high energy music and the moves are basic and repeated enough times so that you really know them. Plus one of the best things about Zumba® is the emphasis on modifying the moves to make them your own. Questions about the class? Contact Robin via her Zumba website (Robin Lovell - Instructor Page (, or Wells-Ogunquit Adult Ed.
ZUMBA Session 1 & 2
with Robin Lovell

Robin's Zumba® classes have been running strong for over 15 years through the Wells Ogunquit Adult Ed. Zumba® is dance exercise for people who don't consider themselves dancers but love to dance. The hour flies by and you will get a great workout. Robin uses fun, high energy music and the moves are basic and repeated enough times so that you really know them. Plus one of the best things about Zumba® is the emphasis on modifying the moves to make them your own.Questions about the class? Contact Robin via her Zumba website (Robin Lovell - Instructor Page (, or Wells-Ogunquit Adult Ed.