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Health & Wellness
in Personal Enrichment
Tai Chi for Arthritis & Fall Prevention - Basic Core Movements
with Dennis Fallo

Tai Chi for Arthritis and Fall Prevention is a safe and easy system to learn. In this beginner course, learn the basic coremovements (forms), which are designed to relieve arthritispain, reduce falls and improve quality of life. Wear loose,comfortable clothing and smooth-bottom shoes suitable forexercise. Beginners 55+. Instructor: Dennis Fallo is a certified instructor through the Tai Chifor Health Institute founded by Dr. Paul Lam.
Will run
Tai Chi Extension Movements
with Dennis Fallo

Dr. Paul Lam combines his medical and Tai Chi expertise to create a very therapeutic tool with this short program. It is an easy program that anyone can learn. It was designed to help folks recover from stress, tiredness, injury, surgical procedures, and stroke, while improving balance, focus, and coordination. Self-management is the most empowering way to take control of your health and wellness. This rehabilitation program is a great start!
Come, be safe, have fun, and relax!
Loose, comfortable clothing and flat-bottom shoes suitable for exercise are recommended.
You can learn this program seated or standing.
INSTRUCTOR: Dennis Fallo is a certified instructor through the Tai Chi for Health Institute founded byDr. Paul Lam, M.D.